Stroll through the garden with adorable teenaged nudist Violet

Stroll through the garden with adorable teenaged nudist Violet

Violet doesn't have a lot of sexual experience.

Violet, have you had sex yet?
"Yes, a couple of times. As soon as my sex drive kicked in I was like, okay, my virginity has got to go! It wasn't hard for me to find a guy to have sex with, especially since I wasn't looking for a boyfriend or anything. I just wanted to have fun and see what it felt like to get fucked. Turns out it feels pretty freakin' awesome.

"When I was a virgin and I would masturbate, I would fantasize about what it would be like to finally have sex. Now I've had sex, and when I play with myself, I re-live what it's like to have a cock sliding in and out of my pussy. That's why I get twice as wet now!"
Featuring: Violet Rain
Date: May 28th, 2023
Photos: 77

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