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Back By Popular Demand

We got such an overwhelmingly positive response from our readers about Kate Anne that we hired a buddy we know who lives in London to drive over to Chesterfield and snap up some photos of her. She was definitely game.

"I feel so honored that your guys liked me so much," she told our photographer buddy. "I've sent some photos around to other places, but this is the first time this has ever happened. That's why I'm giving your guys a special bonus video! I really wanted them to hear me being thankful and to show them how I touch myself."

By the way, we only had to pay our buddy from London for gas money. He said watching Kate finger her pussy in front of him was payment enough. Stay tuned for tomorrow's video!
Featuring: Kate Anne
Date: September 14th, 2022
Photos: 155

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Member Comments

2 years ago 

She's a hot one. And a cutie!

mm hmmm hair pie central right there!!!

gorgeous beautiful sweet luscious lickable asshole yummy hairy perfect edible pussy gorgeous beautiful face lovely model bring her back

Wow! Thanks,, for so often gifting us hirsute lovers with such amazing models. So many of them seem to come from England, where I guess the mania for shaving one's privates bare isn't so prevalent. Can't wait to see Kate Anne's video!

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