She's Back--By Herself

She's Back--By Herself

Farrah fucked a stud for us late in 2011. She said then that she would show the website shots to a couple of her closest girlfriends and, possibly, the next guy she had sex with. "I had a couple of short flings, but I never got around to showing either of the guys," she said. "But I've been dating a guy for a few months now and, one wet Saturday afternoon, I fired up my laptop and showed him his girl in action. He got hard in, like, 10 seconds and had to bang me right away. Then he wanted to take photos ...and here they are. "I think every sex session should start with a blow job and clit licking. Then I'll fuck in any position the guy wants. They all feel awesome, and I'll cum once or twice. I'm very loud then. I shake, sweat some, turn red and my pussy creams."

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Featuring: Farrah Rae
Date: November 17th, 2013
Photos: 52

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